In-Person & Online Traumatic Grief Counseling for Black Women in Maryland

Online Grief Coaching for Black Women in CA, DC, DE, NY, PA, VA, and All Other States 

“There is a tendency to underestimate how intensely distressing and disabling loss usually is and for how long the distress, and often the disablement, commonly lasts…There is a tendency to suppose that a normal healthy person can and should get over a bereavement not only fairly rapidly but also completely. But, loss of a loved person is one of the most intensely painful experiences any human being can suffer.”

– John Bowlby, Loss, Sadness, and Depression


Welcome to my private practice website! I am Dr. Nyasha Grayman, and I provide confidential, compassionate, and culturally responsive traumatic grief counseling and grief coaching to Black women. If you are a Black woman who is struggling with your loved one's death, anticipated death, or life-changing medical diagnosis, I may be the right confidant and companion for you. My own devastating experience of suddenly losing a child, along with my expert formal training as a grief and trauma-informed counseling psychologist, uniquely qualify me for this sacred work. I have a diverse set of clinical skills and tools, and I have been there. Of course, everyone's experience is ultimately as unique as a fingerprint, but I believe you will find that "I get it."

I take on no more than one new counseling client a month, and support no more than six traumatically bereaved clients at a time so that I can offer you a highly personalized structured plan and support experience. With me, you are more than a client and your experience is more than a case. The difference is definitely in the heart-centered details. 

If you are a Black woman who is experiencing some of the symptoms below in response to the death, anticipated death, or life-changing medical diagnosis of a child, parent, spouse, sibling, significant other, or friend, you may be dealing with grief-related acute stress or traumatic stress. My traumatic grief counseling support can help. Together, we will work to strengthen, deepen, and expand your current ways of coping while we gently navigate your grief journey.


Chest pain Headache Change in appetite 
Heart palpitations Back pain Weight change
Shortness of breath Stomach pain Sleep issues
Tightness in throat Nausea Fatigue
Lightheadedness Diarrhea Restlessness
Dizziness Constipation Easily startled


Flashbacks of loved one’s death
Sense that the world and people around you are not real (derealization)
Sense of detachment from your body and/or trance-like state (depersonalization)
Heightened vigilance


Sense of emptiness
Quick and intense emotional shifts (lability)

Numbness/Flat affect
Heightened fearfulness
Heightened vulnerability
Sense of abandonment


Self-harm attempt/Self-harm ideation Difficulty concentrating
Repeated thoughts of one’s own death or someone else's death Slowed thinking
Avoiding places associated with loved one’s death Forgetfulness
Avoiding talk and/or thoughts of loved one’s death Disbelief
Frequent and non-selective retelling story of loved one’s death Denial
Self blame Lowered self esteem


Increased relationship conflict Lowered interest in previously enjoyed social activities
Withdrawing from relationships/Self isolating Lowered social initiative taking
Heightened sensitivity to words and actions of others Heightened social initiative taking and engagement 
Increased clinginess

Galatians 6:2 "Bear one another's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."

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